寫給剛開始做隱適美矯正,下載了APP確有點不知道如何開始設定,或是更改牙套提醒的人。“My Invisalign”是隱適美公司自有的APP,主要是用來提醒牙套更換時間,並且如果進度有延後,可以自己手動更改提醒。想要下載的可以在APP store或是Google play搜尋 My Invisalign
“For those who have just started using Invisalign clear aligners and have downloaded the app but are unsure how to set it up or modify their brace reminders, “My Invisalign” is the official app provided by Invisalign. Its primary purpose is to remind you when it’s time to change your aligners. Additionally, if there are any delays in your progress, you can manually adjust the reminders.
To download the app, you can search for “My Invisalign” on the App Store or Google Play.
Usually, you will need to receive your aligners or obtain your patient ID (PID), provided by your orthodontist, before you can register and log in.”
Apple IOS下載 /Apple IOS Download
下載My invisalign 隱適美APP,打開都是英文怎麼辦?

隱適美APP裡面沒有語言更改選項,所以只能在手機裡設定。以Apple IOS 為例,請到設定裡找到 ”My Invisalign” App將裡面的偏好語言改成繁體中文,這樣APP重新打開後就會變成中文介面囉。
開始註冊我的隱適美 Begin registering my Invisalign

- 先準備好你的牙套,牙套上有你的總副數、英文姓名、和8碼的PID隱適美患者編號
- 點選建立帳戶
- 點選我收到牙套了
- Prepare your aligners. Your aligners should have your total count, your name, and an 8-digit PID (Patient Identification) Invisalign patient number on them
- Click on ‘Create Account.’
- Have you picked up your aligners? Click on “Yes”
掃描輸入個人資料 Scan and input your personal information

There are two input methods available: one is through taking photos, and the other is manual input.
The photo method is quite straightforward. Take out your aligners and align the camera’s frame with the information field, then press the capture button to complete the process.
手動輸入資料 Manually inputting data

Requires entering your first name, last name, an 8-digit PID (Patient Identification) Invisalign patient number, email address, and password.
The password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least 1 uppercase letter and 1 digit.”
Congratulations on completing the aligner registration and setting up the aligner replacement reminders

- 牙套總副數:請參考牙套包裝。
- 每一副配戴天數:一般來說是7天,但也有5天或是10天,請參照醫師指示。
- 現在佩戴牙套:忘記的話可以看看牙套上的小字,會有標示第幾副牙套。
- 下次更換日期:在第一次設定時,這個部分請千萬記得要自己計算及手動更改,APP要先設定下次更換日期後下次才會自動計算並提醒你更換牙套。
- 每日提醒時間:可以設定在一個自己比較容易注意到的時間,例如上床睡覺前。
After entering your information, your registration is complete. Now, the most crucial function of the app is to remind you to change your aligners. How can you avoid forgetting to switch to a new set? The first tip is, if you change your aligners every 7 days, you can set a specific day for the aligner change, such as Sunday evening or Monday morning, making it easier to remember. The second tip, if your aligner change schedule is not weekly, such as every 5 or 10 days, you can use the app to allow notifications when it’s time to change your aligners.
There are five key settings for aligner reminders:
- Total number of aligners: Refer to the aligner packaging.
- Duration for each set: Typically 7 days, but it can be 5 or 10 days as per your orthodontist’s instructions.
- Current aligner: If you forget, check the small print on your aligners; it will indicate which set you are currently using.
- Next change date: During the initial setup, remember to calculate and manually change this. The app will start automatically calculating and reminding you to change your aligners from the next cycle once you set this date.
- Daily reminder time: You can set a time that suits you best, such as before bedtime, to receive daily remind
隱適美APP介面介紹 Introduction to the Invisalign App Interface

The circular icon in the upper left corner represents the number of aligners you are currently wearing.
The circular icon in the upper right corner shows the countdown to when you should change to the next set of aligners.
The circular icon in the middle at the bottom is a timer. You can start the timer when you remove your aligners and pause it when you put them back in. This timer is mainly used to calculate how many hours in a day you haven’t been wearing your aligners. It is recommended to wear aligners for 20-22 hours a day.
Simply click on any of these circles to access the aligner reminder settings
取得隱適美禮物卡 Obtaining an Invisalign Gift Card

In addition to the methods mentioned above, you can also modify your aligner reminders through the settings page.
Furthermore, in the settings section, Invisalign offers gift cards. If your friends use your referral code for Invisalign treatment, you and your friends both can receive a certain amount of gift card credit to redeem Invisalign-related items.